1st Grade
Language Arts
The Language Arts curriculum is designed to allow students more time to practice authentic reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing tasks, to offer more choice in text selection, to organize the curriculum around units of study (genre/author/thematic studies) and to provide instruction through a workshop framework. The content of each unit serves as the vehicle for teaching students the essential skills, knowledge and understandings of English-language arts.
Our Math program provides the students with many opportunities to develop their problem solving skills. Math strategies are taught, but creative approaches to solving problems are encouraged. Through exploration, the children learn to become independent thinkers and to communicate mathematical ideas. During the year, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division concepts will be taught. Students will also be given experiences to learn graphing skills, data recording, estimation, measurement, time, money concepts, and much more.
First graders study insects and their life cycles. They learn about mealworms, ladybugs, ants, and caterpillars. Observations using magnifying glasses are made regularly and data is recorded. What fun to watch the various stages of insects from larva to adult! Throughout the year during science lessons, the children learn about the four seasons and the various types of weather in New England. Daily weather and temperature are recorded and graphed. Many math concepts are included in our weather study. Finally, the children learn about shadows during science time. They learn how shadows are formed, and why shadows change size and shape.
Social Studies
Region 15 has recently revised its Social Studies Curriculum so it aligns with Connecticut and National Standards. The first graders travel on a journey of self-exploration through each marking period. During the first marking period, the boys and girls study what makes up a school community as well as how it is governed. We emphasize that we are a community of learners at MES. The initial focus is on knowing and following rules, with a culminating lesson on highlighting all of the important people who help our school community thrive. The next marking period focuses on holidays as well as traditions and customs we celebrate with our families. The final unit of study explores our neighborhoods, and how they can also be a community. Throughout the year, the students learn how communities can change over time, mapping skills, and they are exposed to lovely literature to help strengthen their knowledge of school, family, and neighborhoods.