Welcome to Middlebury Elementary School!

Hello MES Students and Families!  

Welcome to a new and exciting school year!  I hope that everyone had a safe and restful summer and that you are ready to learn!

My name is Heather Pellicone and I am the principal of Middlebury Elementary School.  MES is a school that prides itself on being a family atmosphere that is warm and welcoming.  I know that you will feel the same way when you walk through the doors!  

Communication between school and families will be a key to student success.  Please check our website often for updated information and important dates.  CHIRPS newsletters will be emailed home as well.  Also, please follow me on Twitter @MrsPellicone or check out our Instagram at @middleburyelementary. You can email me at any time as well at hpellicone@region15.org.  Also, please consider being a part of our building PTO.  Every little bit of help makes a big impact.  

I look forward to meeting you and to having a successful school year!

~Heather Pellicone

our principal

Contact Info

(203) 758-2401

Heather Pellicone, Principal
Diane Barnard, Administrative Assistant

Attendance: (203) 758-1911

Nursing Office: (203) 758-1911